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When you are satisfied with your data labels, you can view specific model metrics as well as download your high quality, labeled training dataset. You can download a CSV of your PDF, DOCX, EMAIL, HTML, SOCIAL MEDIA, or PPTX file.

Download in Real Time

Anote allows for synchronous downloading of the results, providing you with real-time access to the labeled data. As soon as the annotation process is started, you can obtain the results without delay, adjusting in real time to the annotations made, enabling you to seamlessly proceed with your AI projects.


Search and Filter

Anote provides an intuitive interface that allows you to search and filter through the annotated data using React Table. This powerful feature enables you to quickly locate key rows of interest based on specific criteria, streamlining your data analysis and decision-making processes.


Spreadsheet Conversion:

Anote utilizes a state-of-the-art decomposer to convert unstructured data into structured spreadsheets. The decomposer can handle any type of text data (PDF, DOCX, CSV, TXT file, Website), and converts the text data into a CSV file.

Download for Classification

For classification, the download spreadsheet includes the text data, as well as a column for the predicted label.

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Download for NER

For named entity recognition, the download spreadsheet includes the text data, with entities in parenthesis where they appear in the text.

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Download for Prompting

For prompting, the download spreadsheet includes the text data, with entities in parenthesis where they appear in the text.

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