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10-Ks Background

Extracting Information from 10-Ks

10-Ks, or annual reports filed by publicly-traded companies with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), provide a comprehensive analysis of a company's performance. These critical documents often span hundreds of pages and include sections like the business overview, risk factors, financial statements, and market-related data. Unearthing information from 10-Ks can give investors and stakeholders a deep understanding of the company's overall health and future prospects. Here are some specific use cases:

Interest rates

The financial section of a 10-K often includes information on a company's interest rate exposure, such as details about interest rate swaps, floating rates on debt, and hedging strategies. Extracting this data accurately and promptly can give analysts a clear picture of the company's interest rate risk. This crucial information could be used to tailor investment strategies, hedge interest rate risk, and make risk management decisions, thus helping to avoid potential financial pitfalls and optimize returns.

Know Your Customer (KYC)

In the context of corporate analysis, KYC could involve extracting data about the company's location, industry sector, board of directors, total assets, and ownership structure. Understanding these attributes aids in due diligence, as well as helps analysts build a comprehensive profile of their customer - in this case, the company. It also aids in maintaining regulatory compliance and helps financial institutions to avoid doing business with entities involved in fraudulent activities.

Risk factors

Every 10-K includes a section that outlines potential risks and uncertainties that the company faces. These risks could range from operational and strategic risks to industry-specific and macroeconomic risks. Extracting and analyzing these risk factors from 10-Ks allow analysts and investors to assess the overall risk landscape of the company. They can then factor this into their investment decisions, risk management plans, and strategic decision-making, potentially avoiding businesses with high risk and spotting investment opportunities in companies with manageable risk profiles.


Extracting information from 10-Ks is very important. However, the process of extracting this valuable information from 10-Ks poses several challenges that warrant careful consideration.

Length and Effort

10-K reports, ranging from 100 to 350 pages, demand significant effort to extract key insights. Manually reviewing these extensive documents can be an arduous and time-consuming task, requiring meticulous attention to detail.

Manual Intervention and Resource Intensiveness

Extracting the desired information from 10-Ks often involves extensive manual intervention from analysts and subject-matter experts (SMEs). Analysts meticulously review each document, identifying relevant data points, and manually labeling them. Unfortunately, this approach proves to be time-consuming, costly, and inefficient. For example, extracting information about interest rate swaps may necessitate a team of 45 analysts dedicating 15 hours per week, summing up to a staggering 260 hours for a single project. Similarly, KYC analysis demands a significant investment of time and resources, with companies employing up to 500 analysts spending around 70 minutes per 10-K document.

Variability in Data Representation

Another significant challenge stems from the diverse formats in which data is represented within 10-Ks. These reports consist of a mix of structured and unstructured data, including tables, paragraphs, and semi-structured information. Effectively extracting relevant information from such diverse formats demands sophisticated techniques and a deep understanding of the domain. Moreover, the lack of a standardized layout and format complicates the application of machine learning models, which must adapt to various document structures and data representations.

Volume of Information

Another main challenges arises from the sheer volume of 10-K documents to analyze. As public companies are required to file 10-K reports annually, the collection of documents for a single company could span multiple years, resulting in a substantial amount of data to review. Additionally, each 10-K document contained complex financial statements, legal disclosures, and management discussions, making it a time-consuming and labor-intensive task to extract meaningful information manually.