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Send a message to the chatbot based on documents previously uploaded.


Name Type Description Default
chat_id int

The ID of the chat that has had documents uploaded.

message str

The message to send to the chatbot.

finetuned_model_key str

An optional custom model OpenAI key. If provided, the chatbot uses this finetuned model for the response.



Name Type Description
response dict

The JSON response from the API containing answer, message_id and sources (which contains the document name and the relevant chunk).

Sample usage:

from anoteai import Anote

Anote = Anote(api_key, isPrivate=False) #You can select isPrivate=True if you want to use private models

chat_id = 5
response =, "What is this paper about?", finetuned_model_key="ft:gpt-35-turbo-0613:personal:anote:8DO8V2LB")

Response is given as a JSON in this format:

    'answer': 'The paper on classification performance is about utilizing few-shot and active learning to enhance artificial intelligence models.,
    'message_id': 10,
    'sources': [
        ['doc2.pdf', 'To address this, we delve into few-shot and active learning, where our goal is to improve AI models with human feedback.'],
        ['doc1.pdf', 'Improving Classification Performance With Human Feedback: \n\Label a few, we label the rest']