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Unsupervised Fine Tuning

Doing unsupervised learning to train a Masked Language Model (MLM) on financial documents, specifically 10-K filings from the SEC Edgar database, can enhance the model's understanding of financial terminology and contexts. Unsupervised fine-tuning allows the model to learn from a large corpus of unlabelled financial documents, improving its ability to understand and generate text related to financial topics.

Data Preparation:

Collect URLs and file paths of 10-K filings. Example sources include the SEC Edgar website and local storage for PDF files.

Continual Pre-Training:

Unsupervised fine tuning leverages continual pre-training, which involves updating a pre-trained language model by training it incrementally on new, domain-specific data without forgetting previously learned information.

from anoteai import Anote

Anote = Anote(api_key, isPrivate=False)

file_paths = [
    '10-Ks/aapl-10-k.pdf', '10-Ks/amzn-20221231.pdf', '10-Ks/bankofamerica-10K.pdf',
    '10-Ks/dbx-20221231.pdf', '10-Ks/google-10-k.pdf,', '10-Ks/msft-10k_20200630.pdf', '10-Ks/nflx-20221231.pdf',
    '10-Ks/nvda-10-k.pdf', '10-Ks/path-20230131.pdf', '10-Ks/sstk-20221231.pdf'

fine_tune_model_id = Anote.train(

Using the Fine-Tuned Model

Once the model is fine-tuned, it can be used to perform specific NLP tasks such as answering questions or generating text based on the financial context.

import pandas as pd
test_df = pd.read_csv("Bizbench.csv")

# Fine Tuned Masked Language Model
for i, row in test_df.iterrows():
    row["ft_mlm_answer"], row["ft_mlm_chunk"] = Anote.predict(

test_df[["id", "ft_mlm_answer"]].to_csv("ft_mlm_submission.csv")

Additional Resources