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10-Ks Impact


At Anote, we are able to render our AI technology on a interactive user interface to help analysts extract information from 10-Ks:

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As the user answers a question from one 10-K, we are able to incorporate feedback to provide better answers on the next 10-K.

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We iterate on this process refining the answers to queries based on human feedback. This technology can have a massive impact, making analysis of 10-Ks more time efficient, less expensive in a scalable and accurate way, as seen below.

Time Efficiency

The introduction of Anote's technology can analyze vast amounts of data 10 times faster than human analysts, equating to an annual saving of approximately 10,000 person-hours.

Cost Savings:

By reducing the labor hours associated with manual data extraction and analysis, the automated approach directly translates to massive cost savings. On average, the introduction of automation can save up to $500,000 per year.

Improved Accuracy

With this technology, one can obtain an accuracy rate of 88% in information extraction tasks. This level of precision is vital, especially considering the potentially major financial ramifications of inaccuracies within these intricate documents.


As a company grows and the number of 10-K documents it needs to analyze increases, our system can handle larger volumes of data without compromising on speed or accuracy, making it a sustainable solution for businesses of all sizes.


The use of Anote's technologies to decipher and extract information in 10-Ks provides a level of efficiency, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness that outpaces traditional manual analysis. This can help make the job of many financial analysts a lot easier.