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Upload - Private

Upload documents or specify a ticker for data retrieval and Q&A. This method supports various tasks, such as uploading documents or querying the government's EDGAR database.


Name Type Description Default
task_type str

Specifies the type of task to perform. This can be document-based interaction (e.g., 'documents') or financial data analysis ('edgar').

model_type str

Determines the AI model to use for processing the request. Different model types available are 'llama' for LLaMa2 and 'mistral' for Mistral.

ticker str

The ticker symbol for financial data analysis tasks. Required if the task_type is 'edgar'. Example: 'AAPL' for Apple Inc.

file_paths list[str]

A list of file paths to documents for document-based tasks. Required if task_type is 'documents'. Example: ['path/to/file1.pdf', 'path/to/file2.pdf'].



Name Type Description
response dict

A JSON response from the API, including the chat_id for interactions based on the uploaded content or specified ticker.

Sample usage for uploading documents:

from anoteai import Anote

Anote = Anote(api_key, isPrivate=True)

file_paths = ['doc1.pdf', 'doc2.pdf']

response = Anote.upload(task_type="documents", model_type="llama", file_paths=file_paths)

Response is given as a JSON in this format:

  "id": 5

Sample usage for using Edgar:

from anoteai import Anote

Anote = Anote(api_key, isPrivate=True)

response = Anote.upload(task_type="edgar", model_type="llama", ticker="aapl")
Response is given as a JSON in this format:
  "id": 5